Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Week Of Christmas!

Christmas Day was yesterday, and it is just now that I am able to sit down and rethink the week. The week leading up to this special day has been a long one. Christmastime here at the children’s home is full of activity and emotion. The big activities started last Saturday when Jill and I took 13 children shopping for their Christmas presents.

Every year the home is able to spend an allotted amount of money on each child, and the older kids pick out their presents so they are sure to get something they want. Saturday we headed to Oaxaca City for shopping. We went to the zocolo and the kids took off in search of their present. We took seven girls and six boys. The girls took a ton of time shopping around which left me in the zocolo with my boys who were not very patient, hungry and a bit obnoxious. After a couple hours of waiting they were beginning to drive me a little nuts. I told them, I would give 50 pesos to whoever brought me a pigeon, pretty much thinking none of them would be able to catch one. So they were off. Pio gave up first after a half an hour. Then Zuri was back with no pigeon. Eduardo was gone for a long time, and after more than an hour returned to me with my pigeon. He was so extremely proud of himself that I had to pay him. I was stunned that he had the patience to catch one of those dirty animals, and have since learned not to challenge Eduardo because he will basically do whatever I ask him to. Saturday was a good long day. After nearly eight hours of shopping all the kid had their presents and were definitely excited for Christmas.

Sunday Ricardo and three of our boys went to the mountains to help lead a youth event. So I was left with six. And I am amazed at how easy six children are compared to nine. Both Ricardo and I had a wonderful time with the kids we spent our time with. It has been so fun to get to know them and learn more about their families.

Monday was a crazy day as all the kids had their last day of school before Christmas break and that evening was the primary school Christmas pageant. The Christmas pageant was a hilarious experience. There were a ton of us from the mission who attended including a group of college students from Chicago. We were quite the spectacle and it was so fun to watch the kids perform. It was somewhat traditional in that there was a chorus and the whole Nativity scene. The only weird part was when three Satans came and tempted the shepherds who then got drunk in the play. I didn’t really understand what the point was or what it had to do with Jesus’s birth, but the kids were cute and did an excellent job.

The second part of the program was all dancing and singing. Each of the different grades presented a dance or song. My favorite number was the 5th grade boys dancing to Michael Jackons’s Billie Jean. Completely random and so funny.

Tuesday was your usual chaos. It was the first day of vacation and the kids were all bouncing off the walls. Ricardo, David, Pedro and Fidencio all got back from visiting the Mijes in the mountains. It was so nice to have them back.

Wednesday was CRAZY! Ricardo took the final three kids to buy their Christmas presents, while I helped all my other boys get ready to go spend a few days with their families. We did laundry, cleaned the house, did house chores and prepared for the big Christmas party. Every year here at the children’s home all the kid’s families are invited to a party hosted by the us at the home. It’s an interesting evening as the children’s biological family comes together our children’s home family. It’s an emotional considering each child has a different relationship with their parents, grandparents or extended family. Some of the children don’t have any family at all, and other kids wish their families did not attend the party. All the kids act differently when their real mothers/family are around.

We had pizza and tamales for dinner. There was a program with skits and songs. All of the Americans were introduced as the “international entertainment” and we sang We Wish You a Merry Christmas. After dinner everyone heads outside to break piñatas and set off fireworks. It’s a bit crazy, well really crazy, but fun in an awkward way to see the kids with their families. For the most part, the children love that their parents come to this special party. It’s amazing to watch them sit with their mom and hold her hand and smiling. This one night is a taste of what God had intended for their family. All of them together celebrating the birth of His Son.

Finally when the party is slowing down everyone goes to bed. All the parents and family members spend the night. The men slept in our auditorium and the women and kids on the first floor of the visitor center.

Thursday Christmas Eve Day the kids and their families woke up and had breakfast of tamales in the kitchen. After breakfast the kids packed up some of their things and then headed out with their families to their houses for a few days of vacation. Each child who has family is given a certain amount of days to go and visit with them. Most of them go for about a week and others of them just four days depending on what the home situation is like. I was so happy that four of my five boys leaving for vacation came and said goodbye to Ricardo and I. They hugged us and we reassured them we would be here when they got back and we hoped they had fun at their homes. And with those little goodbyes, they were off.

Four of our boys stayed behind. Two of them have no family at all, no parents, siblings or extended family. They would be completely alone in the world, if they were not a part our family. Our third boy ended up going with his family on Christmas day which was really good, and our fourth who stayed behind cannot go home because it is too dangerous where his parents live. His father is a pastor up in the mountains where Christians are persecuted and people are killed all the time.

So for Christmas Eve day, Ricardo took our four remaining boys to the movie Avatar which is always a treat for them. Then a big group of us went down to the zocolo or the town square for the Christmas Eve party. There was a parade, balloons, and fireworks. It was kinda wild and the fireworks were basically shot into the crowd which was interesting. Janelle’s pants were actually set on fire, but she wasn’t injured. They also have huge sparklers you can buy and balloons and lots of yummy food. It was a great evening and all the kids had fun.

Christmas morning we celebrated with a delicious brunch and the kids opening gifts. For a few of our children this is the first Christmas they have ever celebrated. It was a fun morning as we watched them open their presents and were able to spend time with them. There are about 30 of us here at the mission who spent Christmas together. It was a wonderful day of celebrating Jesus’ birth and the connection we have with each other through him.

The week was long, crazy and so fulfilling. Ricardo and I feel so honored to get to care for these children and to learn more of their lives. Please pray for us as we don’t really know what we are doing most of the time and need lots of wisdom and compassion especially during this time of festivities that are influenced a lot by family.

We are looking forward to New Year’s Eve as all the kids will be back from their vacation and we will open more presents and bring in the new year together!

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