Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Big Family

Last Thursday Ricardo and I became house parents here at the Children's Home. We now have nine sons ranging in ages from 12 to 17. They are incredible young me who have experienced so much in their lives and they have accepted Ricardo and I as their new parents without so much as a groan.

So on Saturday, we took our new family out on our first adventure. We went to Oaxaca City. The day was fun. We ate lunch at McDonalds (always a treat for the boys) and then spent the afternoon in the Zocolo or the city center's courtyard. The boys ran around and checked in with me every half hour or so as I stayed at a cafe with my friend Samantha and read.

The funniest part of our day was when Sam and I were sitting at the cafe table outside chatting and Ricardo and the boys came and circled us to say hi. The poor waiter at the restaurant thought they were attacking the two gringas and tried to get them to leave. I then explained Ricardo was my husband and all was well. It was a moment of confusion and embarrassment for the waiter, who apologized profusely after the boys had left again.

By the end of the day, I feel like we have really connected with most of the boys. Their house has had three different authority figures in the last year, and they still behave really well despite all the changes they experience. Each boy is a blessing and talented and fun to be around. All of them are super social and eager to please. And they love having a mom since most of the people who have cared for them were single men. And thus far, I love being their mom.

Ricardo and I are honored, scared and blessed to be their parents. We hope we are able to learn from them as well as teach them in the next couple months we are here. And please pray for God's guidance as we have fallen in love with them and don't look forward to leaving.

Back Row: Florencio, Pio, Zuriel and David
Front Row: Pedro, Chucho, Ricardo and Andrea,
Eduardo, Fidencio and Alfredo

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