Friday, December 18, 2009

Our First Week as House Parents: A Summary

All in all, I would say that our first week as house parents was definitely a success. Up to this point the boys have adjusted well to having Ricardo and I as their parents. There has been no open rebellion or major issues which I am so thankful for.

This last week we worked on wrapping up school before Christmas as well as creating a house routine. Wednesday was the longest day of the week as two of my boys didn't turn in important homework assignments resulting in my first "very disappointed in you" conversations as well as "get the assignment done before I see you again." Both David and Eduardo did their autobiographical assignments and did a good job. All my middle schools boys probably should have studied more for their finals, but there is only so much a new mom can do in her first week.

My three elementary students are wonderful, do all their homework and bring home 10s! I love it. They are also getting ready for the school Christmas pageant on Monday night. We have been putting together costumes and watching them practice their dance moves as it appears to be a musical. It should be absolutely great and I will for sure post pictures. Two of my boys are shepherds, and one is Satan. I can't wait to see how it all works out, and then they are all dancing a hip hop so it should be entertaining.

This weekend, six of the boys and I are going shopping for their Christmas presents. The kids get to buy their own presents so they can have just what they want and choose. It should be a crazy day to take six of them shopping. We are going with some of the muchachas from the teenage girls house. I'm not really looking forward to this outing as it sounds stressful, but hopefully it turns out to be fun. The other three boys will go shopping for their gifts next week.

On Sunday three of the boys, David, Fidencio and Pedro are going with Ricardo and the worship team to minister to the Mijeh people up in the mountains. It sounds to be very primitive camping and the people are very poor there. So we are praying that they will be blessed by our young people, and that our youth will find special places in their hearts to serve the poor.

So that is what is going on with us. Christmas is coming up so quickly and we have much to do. If you think of it please pray for these boys. At Christmas time, nearly all of them get to go with their families for a few days to spend their holiday. However, three of my boys have no one to go with, and it turns into a challenging time for them. Even in this first week, I see that they are changing and getting sad. Pray that Ricardo and make this Christmas fun and special for them, and that they would know, they are family to us.

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