Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Five Months Old

I cannot believe that our little guy is now five months old. It's crazy how quickly the time passes by. Some great things have occurred with him in the last month, here are a few:

-- the morning nap has stretched to three hours instead of two
-- he is smiling at people other than just mommy and daddy
-- he loves to be talked to
-- he controls his head pretty well
-- micah does not like super hot weather anything over 90 puts him in a bad mood.

Micah still isn't sleeping through the night, and you can bet there will be a blog rejoicing the morning after that happens, but we are thankful. He is growing like a weed, and so far he seems to be carrying most of his weight on his face. His cheeks just get chubbier each day.

And as for the rest of the gang, they are all doing well and going on Easter break this next week. I'm not super sure what I am going to do with my ten boys for two weeks out of school, but I'm sure we'll think of something.

That's all for now. Hopefully I'll find time to write again soon. Here are a few pictures.


  1. Hola Bolaños Family,

    Sure sounds like you are very busy, and the weather has turned hot again. I'm so happy to read that Micah is growing like a weed....thank you for sharing pictures with us. I love seeing pictures of all of the boys. I think my newest favorite is of Pio and Micah. I am praying that God will send me back to Oaxaca this year. You are all in my prayers and in my heart forever. Happy Easter!! Hope the break is not too wild and crazy....really wish I was there.

    In His Service,

    Tammy Easter
